Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Nobody submitted a write-up for problem sheet 2?

I checked the box for this lecture course, and it looks like nobody submitted a write-up for the second set of practice problems. Please correct me if I'm wrong, and I'll go and mark the problems. Sigh...

Anyway, we'll still go over these problems in week 0. (Let me know about good times...) But please be aware that you'll get a lot more out of it if you try the problems between now and then.

Sunday, 9 March 2008

Review class for homework sheet 2

As we discussed in lecture, I am going to hold a review class for homework sheet 2 during week 0. The format will be similar to the review class for the other half of the class, but I anticipate that the big picture summary of material from the lectures will be shorter than for distributions because I think that you found those lecturers easier to follow than the ones on distributions. (You should let me know if I am mistaken. We have a limited time, and I want to try to maximize how much it helps you.)

You are supposed to take the Exam on Thursday April 17th, so we are going to have this class on Monday April 14th (when you are required to be back). If you have questions before then, you can ask them here or by e-mail. I will be around all break. I'm sorry that I am unable to do the review this week---I need to finish the marking first, I am out of town on Thursday, and I am required to sit in on the MSc project presentations on Friday because I will be marking them in September.

Will 3pm on April 17th work for everybody or do I need to adjust this time to make sure that everybody who wants to come can come. Please let me know.

Solution Set 2 posted

I have posted solution set 2. I tried to add explanations for various notational items and remove as many typos as I could, but if there are any issues remaining, please bring them to my attention ASAP (and, in particular, {\it before} the week 0 review class for this sheet) so that I can update the document appropriately. You can either post these here or send them to me by e-mail.

I will pick up the submitted problem sheets tomorrow and will mark them in the next couple of days. I'll let you know when they are available.

Saturday, 1 March 2008

Bicycles in London: eBourbaki mathematical modeling contest

Eliana Hechter of eBourbaki just sent me an e-mail about the following:

e-Bourbaki, "a mathematical problem-solving firm whose mission is to solve the world's mathematical problems using contests to inspire innovation and creativity", sponsors a mathematical modeling contest every spring and the recently-announced 2008 contest pertains to bicycles in London.

I encourage any and all mathematics students to participate in this!

Here is what Eliana wrote in her e-mail:

I am writing to inform you about an upcoming contest for students of
mathematics, computer science, and engineering in the United
Kingdom. The contest, which asks students to mathematically model a
low-cost bicycle rental service for the City of London, will
commence at 5pm on Monday, May 5, 2008 and end at 5pm on Monday, May
12, 2008. We hope that you will encourage the students with whom you
have contact to participate.

The first prize is ?1000 and winning projects may have the potential
to be implemented as London strives to become more sustainable and
efficient in its transportation infrastructure.

The contest is hosted by eBourbaki, a mathematical problem-solving
website I founded dedicated to increasing interest and involvement
in mathematics in the global community, and is sponsored by Winton
Capital. Further information can be found at our website,
www.ebourbaki.com. Participation in the contest requires contestants
to register with eBourbaki website and we encourage participants to
do so as soon as possible, to stay informed about contest details.

In the past others have used eBourbaki questions as part of their
teaching program, or as a 'final project' for applied modeling
classes. We are happy to work with professors if they choose to
consider this option.